Why Get a Homebuyer’s Survey?

If you have found a property that you like and are planning on purchasing it, it’s important to have as much information as possible about the property so that you can make a completely informed decision when it comes to whether or not you will go ahead with the sale. Since property is often the biggest investment that most of us will make in our lifetimes, it makes sense to Read More…

What Year Was Blue Asbestos Banned in the UK?

Blue asbestos, also known as crocidolite, was once widely used in many industries. It was predominately applied in the construction and building sectors, although it was also used in the automobile, textile, and plumbing industries. However, the importation, manufacture and new use of crocidolite were banned in the UK in 1985. Similarly, amosite (brown asbestos) was also banned at this time. Despite being strong, durable, heat resistant, and low-cost, the Read More…