How Much to Replace a Chimney?

Replacing Chimney FlashingIf a chimney needs to be replaced, you’ll want to know how much you can expect to spend. However, this will depend on exactly what parts of the chimney need to be replaced. Furthermore, if repairs can be undertaken, you may be able to avoid replacing some or all of the chimney and reduce your costs even further.

Replacing Chimney Flashing

Replacing Chimney FlashingOn the exterior of the chimney, where it meets the roof, lead flashing is typically added to strengthen the joint and prevent water from seeping in. If this needs to be replaced, you can expect to pay around £400-£500, according to However, this doesn’t include the cost of scaffolding, which typically runs to around £300-£400 for a two-storey property.

If the flashing can be repaired, rather than replaced, this can typically be done for around £200. Of course, the cost of scaffolding will still need to be added to this, as workers will need to access the roof and chimney.


Replacing a Chimney Flue and Liner

Installing a new chimney flue and liner can run to around £800-£1,200, depending on the exact product you choose. Again, the cost of scaffolding needs to be added to this, so expect to pay between £1,100 and £1,600 for this job. Remember – a chimney will need to be swept before the flue or liner is replaced, so check whether this is built into the cost when you obtain an estimate.

How Does A Chimney Work?

Repointing a Chimney Stack

If the mortar on the chimney stack becomes damaged or chipped, it can lead to instability. Unless this is repaired, your chimney could pose a safety risk, so it’s vital to act quickly. The cost of repointing a chimney stack can range from £500 to more than £1,000, depending on the size of the chimney and where it’s located on the roof. Similarly, the extra cost of scaffolding will depend on exactly where the chimney is situated, as a chimney that sits on the highest part of the roof will require more scaffolding.

Replacing a Chimney Stack

If more extensive damage has occurred, the chimney stack may need to be rebuilt. If so, you can expect to pay around £1,500 to £1,900 for this work to be carried out, plus the cost of scaffolding.

Repairing or replacing a chimney can seem costly at first, but it requires a significant level of expertise. Furthermore, keeping the chimney well-maintained is a critical way of protecting your property, which means it can be one of the best investments you make.