Home buyer survey on old properties

Is a Homebuyer’s Survey Suitable for a Property Aged 20+ Years?

Homebuyer's SurveyIf you are in the process of searching for a new home and have found an older property that you like, you might be feeling ready to put in your offer and get the process of buying the property started. However, it’s important that you don’t rush into things here, especially if you have your eye on an older building that may have more issues and defects than are immediately visible. It is recommended that potential home buyers arrange to have a homebuyer’s survey carried out on their potential property before beginning the purchase process. A homebuyer’s survey will ensure that you are fully aware of any issues with the house and any repairs that will need to be carried out before you make the final decision as to whether or not it’s the right property for you to buy.




Home Buyer Survey on Old Properties – Why It’s Needed:

Experts advise having a homebuyer’s survey carried out on any property that you’re thinking of buying, but the survey becomes even more important when a property passes twenty years old. An older property is more likely to have issues, so it is important to ensure that it is thoroughly inspected before you make the final decision to buy or not to buy. Without a survey, you could end up spending thousands of pounds in the future on repairing defects that you did not even know were present when you decided to purchase the house. And since many of the common problems with old houses are likely to get worse over time if they are left unattended, not having a survey done could lead to you living in the home unaware of the worsening problems until it’s too late.

How long does it take to do a Homebuyer’s Survey?

What’s the Best Old House Survey?

Homebuyer's SurveyThe type of survey that you opt for will depend on several factors including the age and condition of the home. If you are unsure, a chartered surveyor can take details of the property to help you decide on the best type of survey for it. In general, a homebuyer’s report will be sufficient for many older properties – unless you are buying a listed building or a very old building, in which case it may be recommended that you get a full structural survey or building survey, which is more thorough.

How to Choose the Right Old Building Survey:

Take the condition and features of the home into account when choosing which survey to go for, along with any plans that you have for the property in the future. If you want to purchase an older home to renovate, it’s often worth investing more in a building survey to find out more about the structure of the home and ensure that you will be able to safely complete your renovation plans.

Does a 20 Year Old House Need a Survey?

In general, a twenty-year-old home will require a homebuyer’s survey or a building survey to be carried out. The type of survey that you choose will depend on the condition, age, and features of the home. While it is possible to buy a twenty-year old property without getting a survey carried out, bear in mind that this could be seriously expensive for you in the future if there are issues with the home that you were not aware of at the time of purchase.

Do You Need to Survey a Fifteen Year Old House?

While it’s not legally required to have a survey carried out on any home that you purchase of any age, it’s highly recommended by experts that you do so. For a fifteen-year-old property, a homebuyer’s report will usually be ideal unless the property has serious obvious defects or if you plan to carry out major renovation work in the future, in which case it might be best to get a building survey or full structural survey carried out.

Do You Need Survey on a Fifteen Year Old House?

Another factor to keep in mind if you are thinking of purchasing a home that is fifteen years old or more is the requirements put in place by your mortgage lender. Since the results of the home survey might impact the value of the property, many lenders will require buyers to have a survey carried out on any property regardless of age and condition before they will agree to a mortgage. It’s important to check this crucial detail when applying for your mortgage since not having the survey carried out could hold up the process and cause issues for you and the seller further down the line.

How Much is a Condition Survey Report?

Does a 2 Year Old House Need a Survey?

It’s clear to see that older houses should be surveyed before you purchase them since the potential for issues and defects becomes larger as houses get older. But what about newer properties? If you are looking to purchase a home that is only two years old, can you get away without having a survey carried out? This will depend on the type of home that you’re purchasing. Even on new homes, it’s a good idea to have some kind of survey carried out to ensure that you are aware of any issues since defects can and will develop in some houses after just two years. A condition report is the ideal choice for a newer home since it does not need to go into as much detail as the homebuyer’s survey or building survey. The surveyor will inspect each area of the home and prepare a report that works on a traffic light system to give you a general idea of the condition overall and inform you of any repair work that may need to be carried out.

What are the Benefits of Having an Old House Surveyed?

Since older properties are more likely to develop issues and be in need of repairs, there are several benefits of investing in a homebuyer’s survey or a building survey in an older property. These include:

Get Information on the Property:

Having a survey carried out ensures that you have as much information as possible on the property that you are planning to buy. It makes sure that you do not go into the purchase unaware of any issues and defects that could become serious further down the line. As a result, many people who are considering buying an older home will wait for the results of the survey to come back before they make a final decision regarding the purchase.

Save Money:

Having a thorough knowledge of any issues and problems with the home from as early on as possible will help you save money on future repairs. Knowing what needs to be repaired and what is a priority can help you spend your money wisely when you become the new owner of the home and will help you make sure that certain issues do not worsen over time and eventually become more expensive to deal with. On average, home buyers who have a survey carried out will save a massive £5,000.

How Much is a Property Valuation?

Negotiate the Asking Price:

Everybody wants to save as much money as possible when buying a home and investing in the survey could pay off quite a lot if you are able to negotiate the asking price as a result. If the survey comes back and shows that the property has a lot of issues that you will need to repair, you could use this information to ask the seller to reduce the asking price to make carrying out the repairs more affordable for you in the future.

Avoid Danger and Harm:

If you’re purchasing a property that you want to renovate in the future, a building survey is the best option for you. This will help you avoid any future danger and the risk of harm by providing you with key information on the property’s structure and more that you can use to plan your renovations. Along with this, the information that you are provided with can also help you plan your renovations in a way that avoids unnecessary spending and helps you save money.

How to Read an Old House Survey:

After the survey has been carried out, the surveyor will prepare and provide you with a report. This will usually take around five working days for a homebuyer’s survey and ten working days for a building survey. Reading the survey report is generally easy since it will be laid out in terms that are easy to understand. Check the survey to learn more about any defects and issues that have been found in the property. Your surveyor will also include more information about the repairs that will be necessary, an average cost for each repair, and which issues will need to be dealt with as a matter of priority – for example, if the house has serious issues that are going to worsen over time, or if areas of the property do not meet building regulations.

When it comes to buying an older home, a survey is more important than ever. Since older homes are more likely to develop problems over time, a survey can ensure that you have the full picture before you buy.